Local Mission Partner

Hickman Elementary

Supporting Hickman Elementary and local families through a yearly school supply drive. Along with other life groups, Lakepointe raises funds and purchases school supplies that are distributed to low income students. In addition to the school supply drive, we also adopt a Hickman Elementary family each year for our Community Christmas, providing gifts to the entire family to ensure a merry and memorable Christmas.

National Mission Partner

Grumlaw Church

Grumlaw Church was founded in 2018 in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Lakepointe has partnered with Grumlaw to provide prayer and support towards their continued growth in influencing their community and spreading the message of Jesus Christ.

International Mission Partners

Westville Baptist Church

Located in Durban, South Africa, Westville Baptist Church is in a large coastal metropolitan area with a population of 3.5 million. The people of Westville reach out to the surrounding communities both rural and urban, through partnerships with local churches and pastors creating feeding and education programs as well as evangelize to a culturally diverse area of South Africa. John Benn is the senior pastor of Westville Baptist Church and the chairman of C.A.S.T.


Church Alliance for Social Transformation (C.A.S.T.) was born out of the community development programs of three Baptist churches: Westville, KwaDabeka and Noodsberg. Over three decades, these churches had together developed partnerships with a number of schools, clinics and community based organizations in poorer communities.

Child Sponsorships

Assisting partner churches in four countries, the Lakepointe Child Sponsorship and its generous sponsors have provided basic necessities and, more importantly, hope. These children and their families once struggled to have enough food to eat and suffered from many preventable diseases. Through the generosity of sponsors–individuals, families, Life Groups, and more–many of these needs are being met regularly. Many of these villages are now being transformed through the Child Sponsorship Ministry and the work being done by the local pastors.